v3.0 - Global Leaderboards!


I finally got around to adding global leaderboards to this game. This is super exciting! (for me)

There's now a dedicated scoring server that keeps track of everybody's best scores across all the random seeds. When the game loads, you will see everyone else's combined best scores in the Scoreboard page. This is done using a web server that takes requests and stores a database of scores.

Press C (on the keyboard) or Y (on the controller) to toggle between global leaderboards and local-only scores. This is good if you want to see which levels you personally haven't tried.

Based on feedback, pebble throwing and owl behaviour have been changed a little. Pebbles can now be aimed in 3 discrete directions: Up (when looking up), straight (when facing a direction), down (when ducking). Owls move around more frequently but warn before doing so.

There were also some bug fixes and general small adjustments. The full list of changes is below:

  • press x to cancel seed gallery selection
  • Show seed's best score + level on seed selection screen
  • Store best scores on server
    • Continue to store a local leaderboard
    • Sync automatically when viewing Scoreboard page
    • Shows refresh notification when data is loading
    • press c (Y on controller) to toggle "local only" scores on seed gallery selection
  • Fix for bug where book glyphs aren't randomised on reset
  • Attempted fix for bug when owl can get stuck making noise stationary - might be fixed. Could be a swooping problem?
  • Make owls warn before normal fly
  • Make owls move more frequently
  • Improve pebble throw angle - allow for "aim up" and "aim down"
    • Hold down "Fall" button for a short time to fall through the ground (this used to be instant)
  • Fix missing chanting sound
  • Fix missing ladder move sound
  • Remap controls - Say "A Button" instead of "jump"
  • Remap controls - Say "B Button" instead of "attack"

Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you set any scores and I'll check them out ;)


OwlThiefStrawberries-v3.zip 18 MB
Feb 13, 2020

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