Grand Re-opening of ART for Snakes! (1.0 release)

Greetingssss art appreciators!

It is with great pleasure and sssatisfaction that we celebrate the release of the 1.0 version of ART for Snakes (formerly Snake Snacks). This update rounds out ART for Snakes, growing it from an appetising jam prototype into a full and filling game.

A full changelog is included at the bottom of this post, but major changes include:

  • Over 10 new and updated levels packed with paintings
  • Branching campaign with level select screen
  • Vertical scrolling in levels
  • Post-game gift shop
  • Fancy menus
  • Improved snake collisions
  • Improved snake look and feel
  • New HUD
  • Optional "zen" mode with extended time limits
  • Fancy music
  • Sound effects
  • Particle effects
  • Progress is auto saved when quitting
  • Most importantly, temp.png is now dirt.png

Every aspect of the ART for Snakes has received love and polish, from the smallest pixels to the most bombastic notes of the game's new soundtrack. Speaking of, we're very happy to welcome lcl on board as ART for Snakes' resident maestro, arranging and mastering looping tracks based on classical public domain compositions in the spirit of the game including works by Mozart, Bach, Boccherini, and more!

Many thanks to all the people who gave feedback on the initial jam version of Snake Snacks and development builds of ART for Snakes. It's been great to be able to build on that and on our initial ideas during the jam, and we are very excited to share the results! We hope you enjoy our little snake game.

- Splerp, Cheese, and lcl

Full changelog:

  • Added branching campaign
  • Added auto save on quit
  • Added level titles
  • Added snake enter animation at the start of levels
  • Added delay after timer runs out before level summary appears
  • Added artist names to level summary
  • Added retry option to level summary
  • Added fully consumed painting indicators to level summary
  • Added in-game level editor (experimental)
  • Added Vertical scrolling
  • Added new title screen
  • Added 9new levels
  • Added 186 new paintings
  • Added 17 new frames
  • Added new background art
  • Added 6 new decorations
  • Added 4 new stands
  • Added 17 new stand tops
  • Added 3 new plaques
  • Added music
  • Added shadow behind snake
  • Added Fancy Serif font
  • Added chomp sounds when eating
  • Added ground sounds when underground
  • Added level success/fail sounds
  • Added UI sounds
  • Added paper sounds
  • Added in-game credits screen
  • Added in-game instructions screen
  • Added main menu
  • Added level select screen
  • Added post-game gift shop
  • Added post-game bonus level
  • Added level thumbnails
  • Added animated clock icon to HUD
  • Added score icon to HUD
  • Added level progress bar to HUD
  • Added mouse controls
  • Added mouse gameplay controls (experimental)
  • Added debug mode setting
  • Added zen mode for extended time limits
  • Added snake wiggle setting
  • Added pixel scale setting
  • Added window mode setting
  • Added volume settings
  • Added HUD position setting
  • Added large HUD text setting
  • Added HUD indicator when snake is offscreen
  • Added particles for travelling through ground and eating paintings
  • Added particles for achieving score target
  • Updated snake look and feel
  • Updated snake tail to be pointy
  • Updated Gorge on van Gogh level to be larger
  • Updated Tasty Renaissance level to be larger
  • Updated snake collision detection and physics
  • Updated level summary and screen to scroll paintings list
  • Updated level summary to have titing for odd/even painting rows
  • Updated game to open instructions screen on first run
  • Removed title screen start prompt
  • Fixed title screen start text not being centred
  • Fixed HUD numbers not being monospaced
  • Fixed a distressingly low amount of The Scream
  • Fixed painting frame 9 patch coordinates being off by one

Files 93 MB
Version 1.0.8+7a2409bc8b 14 days ago 93 MB
Version 1.0.8+7a2409bc8b 14 days ago

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