A downloadable game for Windows

You are space dragon (the guy who owns space). Suddenly, the Earth blew up and all the oceans flew into space. It's up to you to teach those oceans who's boss (by killing everything).

WASD to move
SPACE to attack
SHIFT for precision mode (slower, view player's hit area)
ESC to close

Avoid everything! (The bright red circle on your body is allergic to water)
Shoot everything!

Points are awarded equally for enemies that are killed and enemies that go off the end of the screen. Points are lost when hit by enemies or water.

Programming / art - me
SOUND: Bonfire Being Lit - Samararaine (https://freesound.org/s/186374/)
SOUND: Pop Sound - Deraj (https://freesound.org/s/202230/)
SOUND: Magellanic Penguin - Soundbytez (https://freesound.org/s/111079/)
SOUND: Boom Bang - Bareform (https://freesound.org/s/218721/)
SOUND: Jump Into Water - Yurkobb (https://freesound.org/s/280219/)

Getting hit by anything loses 1200 points. Each enemy is worth a different number of points.
There are 12 stages: OCEAN 1 - 9, BOSS 1, BOSS 2, and FINAL.


  • Music
  • Intro graphics (earth blowing up)
  • Transition from main menu to playing the game
  • Pause game
  • Introduce the overpowered Beam weapon. Then start stage FINAL and have it do minimal damage to the tiny seadragon. Music change and the background starts scrolling fast
  • Strong sharks for later levels
  • Proper "end game" sequence


Space Dragon 16 MB
Space Dragon v2 16 MB

Development log

  • v2

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