A downloadable game for Windows

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Currently in a pretty incomplete state.

A giant squid is enjoying a normal everyday swim when something terrible happens. In the meantime, you and a friend (currently circles) are trying to get from A to B. A loooot of squid ink is slowing them down because one of them (spoilers: not you) has a morbid fear of ink. To get where you're going, you need to build a bridge from one side of each ink pool to the other.

Install instructions

  1. Download the latest build zip file and unzip anywhere
  2. Run the .exe file inside the zip


Pressing R will restart the current level. Pressing shift + right click will discard the current piece. Alt + F4 closes the game (sorry!).


WASD: move
Click: Attack (move mouse to swing)

Shift + WASD: rotate your current bridge piece into position
Shift + Click: Place your bridge piece
Shift + Right Click: Discard your bridge piece

R: Restart current level

General info

When pieces are near each other, they will increase in size to show which pieces will connect. Be careful placing the final piece of a bridge - make sure both ends of the bridge increase in size before trying to place it.

You can attack enemies to stop them hitting you. You lose the current level if you get hit by enemies three times.

Content to add

  • Graphics for main characters
  • Graphics for spiky frog enemy
  • When starting a level, show without ink. Then, splatter ink everywhere while main character is trying to cross.
  • Better attack / swing mechanic
  • More levels past the tutorial stages
  • Pre-placed bridge pieces in the level which can give bonus points if passed through
  • Start / end art stills
  • Swinging a piece breaks it, and it must be discarded. Hitting multiple enemies with a single hit will be a useful strategy

Fun things

New things that went into this game that were fun to learn about

  • re-implementing some basic physics engine functionality (circle-circle collision resolution, line-circle collision resolution, line-line collision detection)
  • Water ripple effect, using this code as a base: http://unitycoder.com/blog/201... and this site to (kind of) understand the logic: https://web.archive.org/web/20...
  • Bridge-building mechanics using a radius and a list of "connection angles" for each piece
  • Using Unity Runtime Animation Controller https://github.com/newyellow/U... to animate the squid

Audio credits

Sound effects
Bridge attack swish: https://freesound.org/people/I...
Enemy / bridge water splash: https://freesound.org/people/y...
Next level gong: https://freesound.org/people/j...
Enemy blowing up: https://freesound.org/people/G...
Enemy bursting: https://freesound.org/people/b...

Music (Under the license https://creativecommons.org/li...)
Track 1 - Wategos Boogie by The Underscore Orkestra http://freemusicarchive.org/mu...
Track 2 G # # Plucky by The Underscore Orkestra http://freemusicarchive.org/mu...
Track 3 by The Underscore Orkestra http://freemusicarchive.org/mu...

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Ripple v3 (everything-broken fix) 23 MB
Ripple v2 (aspect ratio fix) 23 MB
Ripple 23 MB

Development log

  • v2


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I think it would be more fun if you could move while you try to place the bridge, because sometimes you're not in the right spot and you need to interrupt the action to find a better place to stand. Placing the bridge is also very hard sometimes! You could make it have a green outline when you can place it, and a red line when you can't!

Keep it up!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi André, thanks a lot for the feedback! Outlines for the bridge pieces sounds like a good idea - currently the pieces get bigger when they can be placed and are red tinted when they can't, but using outlines would definitely be neater and more consistent.

Allowing movement while placing the pieces would mean rethinking the control scheme, but you're right that it disrupts the gameplay currently. Changing that, and making the pieces easier to place, are probably going to be the highest priorities.

Thanks again for the feedback :D